I Listen


"What will you discover when we (you and I) listen?"

On this website I share what I do as 'professional' listener. I 'listened' to other people since I was a teenager. People would tell me stories, they would tell to no one else. Sometimes my mere presence was enough to give others what they needed. Later I learned to reflect, summarize and focus in a way that allowed people, teams and organisation to change their situation. This allows me to work as:

Why do you need an 'professional' listener?

I call my approach 'Transformative Listening'. It's a proces in which we (you and I) listen to you and others, to get clarity about what's going on. Sometimes that's enough. More often you also want to find solutions to reduce conflicts and blockades and create progress and harmony. The combination of powerful tools I use, often allow me to help resolve old, stubborn and sometimes scary and painful issues.

Individuals and Couples

This website currently focuses on you. When I write YOU, I mean both you as individual and your partner when you come here as couple.

Teams and Organisations

This website currently focuses on individuals and couples. The principles and approach can however also be used for teams, companies and organisations. Please contact me to explore together what Transformative Listening could mean for your team or organisation.