Transformative Listening

Transformative Listening is a method for effectively healing trauma and other unhealed painful memories from the past. Listening to the painful memories of our past allows us to change thoughts, feelings and behaviour that no longer serve us. We can not change our past. At the same time with a little help, we can change the way it influences our present life.

Listening changes the way we perceive our past

During our lives we installed a few thoughts and feelings, that were useful to 'survive' the traumatic events but are no longer useful now. By 'listening' we try to change a few of these thoughts that are close connected to some of the unfulfilled needs that I connect to trauma :

Real change came when I was able to relive traumatic events I experienced as a child

Fortunately we were able to heal many of the traumatic events of our childhood. It was painful when we first experienced ‘hunger’. All it took to heal our ‘pain’ then was ‘recognition’ and ‘connection’. Most of us received a smile from one of our parents that confirmed they saw our need and made us feel that we were not alone with the discomfort. And some of these needs did not get the same attention.